True Intimacy…


here’s a quote that i heard on a video at a dreadful “sexual harassment prevention training” i attended last thursday. i think that most people misunderstood the meaning. i know this because a lot people made fun of how ridiculous this lady sounded (it didn’t help that she was a buddhist monk on a video being shown to a bunch of methodist who were barely listening).

“our greatest desire is to be naked before someone; being yourself with another person is true intimacy.”

5 Responses to “True Intimacy…”

  1. so you got something out of your training.
    that is good news.

    but it does ignite contemplation.

    oh, and im almost done with velvet elvis. i need to start considering what to read next. any recommendations??

  2. 2 Mel

    johnny, you are so right about her (the Buddhist monk). I think she said a lot of stuff that was pretty amazing. I actually toldThe Judge that she was the only part that I really liked about the day.

    I also know what you were saying about nobody listening. I went to the training on Wednesday in Waco (scheduling issues) and sat in front of a group of what I thought were the “up and coming” leaders of the UMC. These people made rude comments, and snickered at everything that anyone said (on video or in discussion). It was so disheartening to me…

    Anyway.. see you Thursday?

  3. I was at Wednesday’s session. Mel and I had lunch together, but I don’t think I was in the grouo that was right behind her.

    I am very much into the whole topic of presentation, but the presentation itself was not done well. The real tragedy may be that even had the presentation been done well, our crowd may have snickered and muttered anyway.

    We are a sad lot. Can you believe God might stillwork through us?

  4. Lauren, I would read McLaren’s “The Secret Message of Jesus” next. After that, pick up a copy of Hauerwas and Willimon’s “Resident Aliens.”

    After that, ask me again…. :)

  5. yeah!
    that was johnnys recommendation.

    i will definitely seek your advice for further reading :].


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